St Michael's runs a number of projects to serve the local community. For more information scroll down the page.
Daily 10am-4pm
The principle of our community pantry is give, take, swap. If you need something take it, if you want to give something to it, do and if you have extra tins of one thing swap it for something else that might be more helpful. Can be found inside the church porch.
To find out more, please contact Shona, our Parish Intern.
2nd Saturday of the month 10.30am-12pm
An opportunity to connect with others from within the community, have a coffee and a bacon roll, stock up on cake at the cake stall, browse the selection of stalls and have a go at the raffle.
Our next Coffee Morning is on Saturday 11th January 2025.
Various Thursdays @ 5.30PM
Our own Waddington Community Choir meet fortnightly for practice. The choir perform concerts and at services taking place at St Michael's Church.
The next meetings will be in 2025. Dates to be confirmed.
To find out more information about the Joyful Singers and how to join, please contact Katy Clifford:
07971 632420 or by emailing
2nd and 4th Wednesdays @ 7.30pm
St Michael's Church bell ringers are an enthusiastic group of people (including younger ones who are keen to learn) who meet for practice on the 2nd and 4th Wednesday evenings from 7.30pm. The bells are rung for Sunday morning and other special services/commemorations and are available for weddings.
Anybody interested in ringing at St Michael's Church (including visiting bands of ringers) are welcome to do so and should contact Angela Holt on 01522 720137, or email her at
For further information, please feel free to contact us. We'll be glad to assist you!
please note our administrator is part time, so the phone is not manned 24/7
St Michael's Church is covered by CCTV for the protection of our staff and congregation.
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