Easter is one of the most joyful days in the Christian calendar.

Easter is the day Christians remember the resurrection of Jesus Christ, which gives them hope of eternal life and victory over death.

“And God raised the Lord and will also raise us up by his power”

(1 Corinthians 6:14).


Tuesday 4th March - Shrove Tuesday 'Pancake Party'

Wednesday 5th March - Ash Wednesday and the start of Lent

Saturday 5th April - Lent Pilgrimage to Lincoln Cathedral

Sunday 13th April - Palm Sunday

Thursday 17th April - Maundy Thursday

Friday 18th April - Good Friday

Saturday 19th April - Holy Saturday

Sunday 20th April - Easter Sunday


Come join us for a flipping good time on Shrove Tuesday!

Bring your friends and family along for a fun-filled event including crafts, games and pancakes! Don't miss out on this opportunity to enjoy good food and great company.

Booking is essential so we know how many pancakes to provide.

Sign up using Eventbrite, or the sign up sheet at the back of church.

If you use Facebook, we also have the event set up there.

This can provide a useful reminder and you can easily share it with your friends!